Learning Skills & Capabilities

Give your people the skills and capabilities they need to succeed.

Leaves you with modern ways of working – in leadership, agility and product management – to deliver your strategy and support transformation.


How do we give employees the right skills 
and capabilities they need to meet our organizational goals?

As markets change, skills gaps widen, and employees come with very clear expectations about development, you need the ability to adapt. Organizations that are too slow to change often lose out to more agile rivals. To meet customer and employee demands, organizations must develop the skills and capabilities that will set them apart.
Emergn’s mission is to improve the way people and companies work. Forever. To do this, we provide work-based education that creates the right skills and capabilities to transform organizations, making a difference immediately to the people and the work.


Delivering work-based learning tailor-made to suit your ways of working.

Emergn’s approach focuses on outcomes rather than any one specific method. It’s founded on the belief that lasting change requires transformative learning so people can acquire the best skills that apply to their work.

We believe organizations need to invest in life-long learning to attract and retain the best people. It starts from first contact with a recruiter, through onboarding, and then across the rest of an employee’s career. But education without context or application can be wasteful. Which is why we also believe in work-based learning – upskilling your employees in a way that is directly applicable to the work they are doing today and into the future.

Emergn’s key principles of Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ) are at the heart of our work-based approach. They enable people to learn and adopt new, modern ways of working to deliver products, services, or ideas to market faster. We ensure that what people are learning is valuable to them and the organization. We provide the content and teaching to maintain the flow of learning. And we gather fast feedback on key sessions to ensure the pace, style and depth of the learning is right for each individual.

Example learning content

Since every organization has its own culture, structure, customers, and business models, Learning Skills & Capabilities is optimized to help people discover, learn, adapt, and adopt what works best in their situation. Whether you’re an organization of 50 people or 50,000 people, we’ll tailor a solution to meet your budget, speed, and scale requirements.


From Agile to Product Management, our certifications are something to be proud of.

An Emergn Certification is a mark based on evidence of practice, action and reflection. We’ve built them for practitioners and people who want to develop deeper expertise in actually doing what they learn. More weight is given to practical application over book knowledge and every submission is reviewed by a practitioner who is doing work similar to your field of study. Our practitioners and experts have been through what you’re going through. They have studied and applied skills in the same domain within their own organizations or on behalf of other world-class organizations. We believe all learners deserve feedback. Feedback is a key part of our certification process and every submission will involve feedback loops that help the learner improve.

Current certifications available:

Emergn Certification badge for VFQ Foundations Course
Emergn Certification badge for Agile Practitioner Pathway
Emergn Certification badge for Product Manager Pathway
Emergn Certification badge for Software Engineer Pathway

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