Using ChatGPT for Learning and Development content creation: benefits, limitations, and mindful approaches

ChatGPT - the benefits, limitation and approaches

Emergn’s learning content team constantly reviews and gathers market best practices, customer feedback, and consultant learnings to keep our Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ) body of knowledge current on our digital platform and within our customer engagements. There is a lot of content to be reviewed and created, and with that in mind, I decided to try out ChatGPT, the conversational AI tool that has been generating buzz, especially among those who write content frequently as a part of their role.

ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that assists users with tasks such as writing, research, coding and more. Here is my experience using ChatGPT in developing learning content for Emergn and some tips and tricks for other L&D content creators who may be interested in leveraging this tool.

Approach with skepticism

Before diving into the potential benefits of using ChatGPT, it is crucial to approach new technology and AI with a healthy dose of skepticism. ChatGPT, like any AI, inherits the biases of the internet and the creators of the content it relies on. In fact, OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, have admitted to the politically biased nature of the tool, committing to address the issue in further updates. It’s important that users stay mindful of this when leveraging the tool to create content.

ChatGPT is limited in its ability to fact-check and provide nuanced judgments based on experience or specialization. Nor does it cite the sources of its data. It’s essential that L&D content creators complement AI-generated text with their own expertise, perspective, and additional research. They should also critically evaluate the information generated by ChatGPT and supplement it with human knowledge to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.

Early successes and benefits

Despite its limitations, ChatGPT has demonstrated early successes in reducing burnout in writing and saving time. To date, the learning content team has found success in using ChatGPT to improve existing writing, conduct research, apply feedback, provide insight into industry standards, and create compelling hooks and conclusions.

By quickly creating an early rough draft, our creators can spend more time weaving in Emergn’s perspective and guiding principles, as well as subject matter expertise and learner feedback to create content that better serves learners.

Like training a new employee, ChatGPT requires constant guidance and intervention to ensure it produces the desired results. Through prompts, you can give direction and refine the content ChatGPT generates, it continues to learn and provide smarter output, improving with each use of the tool.

Emergn’s Studio team has devised a preliminary process that has enabled them to produce the highest quality output from the tool.

1. Prime the AI with Emergn’s content, context, and perspective. Specify tone of voice. Add a command to adjust the tone of voice in line with the company identity or the needs of the script or piece of content. Build a library of tested prompts to yield responses that accurately represent your company’s perspective.

ChatGPT response when primed with content, context, and perspective

2. Prompt different commands. Make commands clear, explicit, and specific.

ChatGPT response when asked to be more clear, explicit, and specific when writing learning content on T-shaped individuals
ChatGPT response when asked to be more clear, explicit, and specific

3. Make edits to AI outputs, then feed back into the tool for improvement. Enable the tool to learn through your direction to provide your desired results.

ChatGPT response when feeding back into the tool for improvement when writing learning content on T-shaped individuals
ChatGPT response when feeding back into the tool for improvement

Adopting a learner-centric perspective

ChatGPT and other AI tools can be valuable resources for L&D content creators looking to reduce burnout, save time, and improve their content. However, it is important to approach them mindfully and supplement them with human expertise. Ultimately, L&D content creators understand the learner’s pain points and experiences best, and ChatGPT should serve as a tool to aid in their journey, not replace their expertise. Information literacy will be essential in applying ChatGPT to ensure creators are critical of the information they consume. By leveraging ChatGPT alongside human expertise, creators can create effective and engaging learning experiences for their learners.